Category: Writing


Writing Fast

Yes, I’ve probably written a post with that title before, but I can’t think of another that will do quite as well. Last weekend at a party I met a columnist for one of our local papers, and he was talking about how he agonized over every word and how it took him so long […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Character Arcs in the Movies

In my recent post on character arcs and the Make-up Theory, I talked about how most contemporary fiction–at least fiction that is engrossing–has characters who have character arcs.  The same is true in movies, and I was recently reminded of this.  In the last week, I have seen two, count ’em, two movies, one in […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Writing Erotic Romance

For starters, don’t sneer.  Erotic romance is one of the hottest genres on the market today.  And in an economy that is constantly being threatened by recession, and an industry that is constantly bemoaning the fact that nobody reads anymore, that is saying a lot. You’ll find erotic romance novels published by big houses such […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Creativity Writing

Being Stuck Redux

I got a couple of great comments on yesterday’s post about Being Stuck. And can I just point out how very international this blog is, what with commenters from Wales and Canada?  (Wait, does Canada count as a different country? Just kidding.)  I would also like to mention the different belief systems of those who […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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