Category: Writing


True Confessions

Does anybody other than me remember the magazine with the same name as this post?  It was pretty racy stuff back in the day–women confessing their deep, dark secrets, though nowadays what with the advent of internet porn, the stories in True Confessions would be very tame.  I’m not even sure if it exists anymore. […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Start From Where You Are Now

Start from where you are now is good advice for anything, really, but it is especially good for writing.  You can’t really do anything else, yet we convince ourselves that we can, and that furthermore, we really can’t write anything until we do. What do I mean by this? Let me illustrate by talking about […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Zen and the Art of Writing

I’ve been working hard all week on a deadline for a book project I’m working on.  I tend to get myself into these binds where I have to set aside all my other writing–blogging, working on the novel–in order to meet a deadline.  At the same time, I’ve recently been starting to study Zen.  Though […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Blogging Gratitude

Well, it has been Thanksgiving weekend here in the states and the third week of November in the rest of the world. While I’d like to report that my life has consisted of nothing but feasting and revelry, such is not the case.  I will admit to my fair share of festive partying, but I […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Writing Blocks

It has been raining hard here in Portland the last couple of days.  This morning, I watched water drip off the giant fir in my backyard as I waited for my Pug to finish his business.  He is fat very muscular and blind visually impaired and he does not like to be in the rain […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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