Category: Writing


The Writing Process, Again

Apparently I'm more of a creature of habit than I thought.  Every year about this time I write a post about going back to the basics.  These pithy thoughts may be disguised in several different ways, but basically what I end up writing about is the writing process. And that's what I'm going to write […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Writing Around

When I was working on my recent workshop for The Writer's Loft, I had a brilliant realization. There's writing. And then there's writing around. So you don't think I'm the densest writer on the planet, I've known this forever, but haven't known known it, if you get my drift.  Writing around is something I've always […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Going Back to the Basics

I'm sitting in the Houston airport, on my way home from Nashville, pondering the past weekend of the Writer's Loft orientation. I did a workshop for the orientation called Jump Start Your Book with a Vision Board (soon to be an ebook available right here).  In the final hour of the workshop, we all made […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

During These Dark Days

I've started writing and then deleted this post a couple of times now.  I originally had it starting with a list of things that were currently depressing me.  You know, like the cold rain that is almost but not quite snow.  And all the people stranded at airports and train stations in Europe.  Or how […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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