Category: Writing


WTD: Win The Day

After a very long and torturous journey involving a four-hour drive and then an endless plane ride (but at least I didn't get stuck overnight in Houston) I made it home at 11 PM Friday night, which was 2 AM in the time zone I left that morning. Fortunately, this was just in time to […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Pave the Way, or Roads to Hell

Saturday Night–A quiet evening at home spent on an obsessive Mad Men watching marathon.  (We're finishing up Season Two, so no spoilers on the current sesason, please.)   The space of the evening allowed me to think about what I wanted to work on in my Sunday-morning writing session.  I set an intention to write longhand […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
inspiration Writing

Bring Love to It

Warning: woo-woo-ness ahead.  But it is good woo-woo-ness, so keep reading. I was writing in my journal this morning (yes, yay, I'm back to doing this fairly regularly again) when I got to a part where I wanted to write about a friend I'd seen recently.  I wanted to write not only about our interaction, […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 


I am a doodler. Always have been.  I doodle when I sit in my critique group and listen to the discussion, I doodle when I am at lectures or readings, I doodle when I'm writing with pen and paper and stop to think. Usually, I don't think much about it.  I just do it.  Doodling […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Creativity Writing


I awoke at 8 this morning. Me, the dedicated early riser.  The one who generally springs (okay, it is more like a shuffle) out of bed at 6 AM and starts writing. But this week, after two weddings in the family and a summer's worth of social events,  organizing a writing weekend for the program […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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