
Odds and Ends: Friday Wrap-up

Since I seem to be failing miserably at soliciting guest bloggers for Friday (anybody interested, leave me a comment) I will use today’s post as an excuse to write about some bits and pieces, mostly gleaned from Poets and Writers magazine. I generally have mixed feelings about writing magazines.  They seem to range from the […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Excellence Award

The wonderful Jen at Semi-charmed wife passed on the Excellence Award to me.  Thanks, Jen!  Now I get to pass it on to others.  I’d choose Jen because she has a great blog but I can’t because she’s already gotten in.  So here are my choices (and let me just say these are a combination […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Mindfulness and Writing

So, mindfulness and being present are a hot topic these days, what with Oprah crashing web servers as she presents teleseminars with the flat-liner Eckhardt Tolle. For those of you who aren’t familiar with him he has written The Power of Now, and A New Earth, both of which were doing quite well in sales.  […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Writing Advice Through the Years

"Every magazine has its own policy and makes a definite appeal to a certain clientele.   Study these and take them into consideration when  offering your wares for any market." Sounds like sound advice for the free-lance writer, no?  You’ve probably read something similar recently.  But that advice was written in 1921 by Emma Gary Wallace […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

The Power of Symbols

I decided to take a break from my incessant harping on why you should be writing (don’t worry, I’ll be back at it tomorrow).  Thought you might like a post on an aspect of craft for a wee change, and so today’s topic is symbolism.  Yawn. I know, it sounds tres literary and very deep […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Creativity Writing

Writing Bog #2

Recently, I’ve been posting about the writing bogs.  Since I coach writers in how to, well, write, this is a topic of particular interest to me.  It’s not because I’ve ever struggled with the issue of getting myself to write.   I always never have problems with writing.  But in case you do, help is at […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
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