
Survey/Contest Reminder

Quick reminder–Friday, April 18th, is the last day to take part in my survey: What Are Your Writing Problems? I’ll enter everyone’s name in the hat on Saturday and post the winner over the weekend.  So c’mon, go take the survey (or even a wee part of the survey) and have a chance to win […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Waiting For Inspiration

I am, at this very moment, guilty of doing what I tell students and clients NOT to do: Waiting for inspiration. I’ve been sitting here, with my hands on the keyboard, which is in my lap, where it is a very un-ergonomic position, waiting.  Once in awhile looking around at some of the latest book […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Writers Giving Back

Today is Global Day for Darfur. You probably haven’t even heard about this event.  I hadn’t.  And that is because the traditional media is too busy wringing their hands over an economic crisis that supposedly nobody saw coming (um, can you say duh?) and gleefully stoking the battle between Obama and Hilary.  And I’ve been […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Who Are You Writing To?

The question of audience is not one that often arises as a writer writes.  At least, it doesn’t for me.  Because I tend to write fairly intuitive first drafts, I’m not consciously thinking about who I am writing to as I write.  If I did stop to think about it, I’d probably freeze up and […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

America’s Favorite Books

I ran across an interesting story the other day.   The Harris folks did a poll on American’s favorite books.  Number one, across all genders and demographics, was the Bible, big surprise.   I really have to read that book one day.  Since I was one of 10 people in my age group who were actually raised […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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