
Self Publishing Redux

I had a brilliant post on the subject of self publishing half finished when my computer burped (its been doing that a lot lately, as it is Mercury Retrograde–back up your computers!) and I lost it.  The two posts I did this week on writing and self publishing garnered lots of comments, and not the […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Should Writers Self Publish?

So, Roy and Cathy and I have been emailing about self-publishing.  Well, really Roy and I have, since we seem to be the most loud-mouthed and vociferous in our opinions.  (Shocking, I know.) The impetus (or inciting incident, if you want to use fiction terminology) for this discussion was Roy and Cathy’s visit to the […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Make Money Writing Online

Did that title get your attention? I thought it might.   Anything that says "make money" nabs me.  And, it seems that everyone and his or her uncle is currently writing blogs and websites about making money online. There is a lot of great information about making money on the internet available to you. Most of […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Al Gore’s Character Arc

Well, unless you live in a cave, you know by now that Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize today. I’m thrilled. But what I’ve been thinking about all day, me being the writer that I am, is Al’s character arc.  It pretty neatly follows the path of the hero’s journey, made popular by Joseph […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Authors Books Writing

A God Is Nominated

This is a good week for us literary freaks, what with Doris Lessing winning the Nobel Prize for Literature today, which you can read about in my previous post here, and the National Book Award Nominations being announced yesterday. So, let’s just cut straight to the chase here–Denis Johnson was nominated for Tree of Smoke.  […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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