
Writing All The Time

I write all the time.  I mean, I really, really do. I just wrote a single-spaced 50 page report in 4 days.  Its the second single-spaced 50 page report I’ve done in that time frame, and let me tell you it is a haul to get it done.  But I did it–and some extremely perverse […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Elliott Bay Books

Just got back from an overnight trip to Seattle and spent an hour at Elliott Bay Books this afternoon. I love this bookstore.  It’s got amber-colored worn wood floors, all these intriguing different levels reached by ramps and wood staircases, and, of course, books.  One of the best things about the bookstore is all the […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Review: Between, Georgia

Just finished reading Between, Georgia by Joshilyn Jackson.  I liked it.  Don’t throw fried green tomatoes at me, but sometimes the whole quirky southern fiction thing wears a wee bit thin. (Stop it! Stop pelting me!  I went to school in the south!  I teach down there!) This book had quirkiness galore but the main […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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