Tag: creativity

Guest Post

An Interview You Can Hear

I've got another interview for you today.  It is at my friend Patty Bechtold's blog, Living Deep Studio.   I'm not exactly sure how I stumbled upon Patty–or maybe she stumbled upon me–but I am so glad I did.  Patty brings a deep and gentle respect for self-development and creativity to all her work. And this […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Where Do Ideas Come From?

I've been doing some interviews (I'll have links soon–like tomorrow soon)for the release of Emma Jean, and one of the things that comes up is how I got the idea for the novel.  I always have to stop and think about this because there's not one clear light bulb moment.  It was more like an […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Travel Writing Events

Freelance Writing, A New Publishing Model, and Haiku (Or, What I Learned in Nashville)

Yesterday I wrote a post about my adventures in Nashville.  Today, I'm writing about what you really want to know more on, some of the writing activities I partook of.  Wait, that's a poorly constructed sentence, with that dangling participle.  Today, I'm writing about the writing activities about which you want to learn more.  Technically […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Writing Process

Advent for Writers

For as long as I can remember, December has been a creative time for me.  This used to puzzle me.  Why would the darkest time of the year be a rich, fertile period?  For so many, the gloomy short days are depressing and anything but creative.  Wouldn't it make more sense for my wildly creative […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Rules for Storytelling

Do you have rules for storytelling? I'm not really sure I do.  When I think about it, the words of advice I regularly dispense–make your character want something, add more conflict than you think you need, have at least a general notion of where you're going next–echo in my brain, but I'm not sure they […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Emma Jean

Emma Jean Update & Pub Date

So, auditorally is not a word. Who knew? But this, my dear writing friends, is why God created copy editors: to tell us such things. I recently finished going through the copy edits for my forthcoming novel, Emma Jean's Bad Behavior, and my wonderful copy editor researched the word auditorally in three dictionaries before deciding […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

Looking for a Great Book to Read? Look No Further!

Emma Jean's Bad Behavior

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