Travel Writing
Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Hi ho, hi ho, its off to Nashville I go

I’m leaving on a jet plane tomorrow.  (I know, I know, I can’t help it–I have all these old songs playing in my head.)

800pxnashville_panorama I’ll be in Nashville for the Loft Literary Day, which is on Saturday.  I get to meet with students and sit and enjoy the lectures of other mentors.  Usually I am giving a lecture myself, and all nervous, so it will be a treat just to sit back and listen to others. 

I’m also meeting with private students and a client or two.  Oh, and all my wonderful friends in town.  I adore Nashville. 

Downtown_gatlinburg2c_tennessee On Monday, I’m heading over to Gatlinburg to have a writing retreat with my friend Linda Parker.  Since I finished the second draft of Emma Jean, I think I’m going to have a look at my first novel, Language of Trees. 

There may be a good reason for this.  But I’m not sayin’ anything yet.

Anyway, don’t miss me too much.  I’m not going to give you a chance to, because you know how I am–just can’t stay away from the blog.

Now excuse me, while I go in search of some fried okra.  Or better yet, fried dill pickles.  They never met a vegetable they couldn’t figure out how to fry in the south, God love ’em.

Photo of Gatlinburg used under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2.  Photo of Nashville by Bill Penn, used under Creative Commons License 2.5.

0 thoughts on “Hi ho, hi ho, its off to Nashville I go

  1. RennyBA

    Thanks for keeping us posted. Sounds that you’ll have a great trip! Just listening instead of giving lectures sounds like a vacation :-)

    Wish you a lovely stay and keep us posted when you are back safe and sound too!

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