Writing Contests
Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Comedy Writing Contest

I was contacted by these folks to promote their comedy writing contest.  And hey, there's a $5,000 prize!  It's not the cool $5 million that the X Factor is offering its winners, but I'd take it. And you probably would, too.

So here are the details:

  • First, be aware that the deadline is October 28th, so either get cranking or start digging through your files. 
  • They are looking for a half-hour comedy script featuring the modern American family.
  • The winner will receive creative guidance and direct input from director John Wells, known as the executive producer of ER, The West Wing, Third Watch, Southland, and Shameless.
  • Did I mention the prize was for $5k?

Check out the Comedy Writer Contest site for more info and official rules.

And good luck.  If you win, come back and share the good news.

By the way, do you enter writing contests, or do you prefer to submit to other venues?

0 thoughts on “Comedy Writing Contest

  1. Patrick Ross

    I have to say I’m intrigued at the idea of a comedy writing contest, but I haven’t the foggiest idea of how to write a script. Back in the 90s I gave a spin at writing a humor column a la Dave Barry, and what I learned is that, on a word-by-word basis, there is perhaps no more challenging genre.


  2. Charlotte Dixon

    Totally agree, Patrick. People like Dave Barry make it seem so effortless, but its really not! Sort of like poetry, every word counts.

  3. Jessica Baverstock

    Just wanted to say thank you for the link. I forwarded it to my brother as he’s the screenwriter in the family, but it’s only open to residents of USA or Canada which rules us out.

    Nevermind. :) Thanks anyway.

  4. Charlotte Dixon

    Jessica, Well that sucks. :-( They should let you Aussies join in on the fun, too! Oh well….

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