Charlotte Rains Dixon  

I Won An Award

I am sometimes leery of awards, especially in the blogging world, where they often seem to be given out with suspicious frequency. Let me be clear, I'm always deeply grateful to be singled out, but often awards come with requirements that don't fit the goals of this blog.  Requirements like "list your ten favorite flavors of ice cream and then choose ten others with whom to share the award."

Again, deeply grateful, but this blog is not about ice cream.

So when I received an email this morning saying this blog had been chosen as one of the Top 25 Reading & Writing Resources for English Buffs, I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah.  Big deal.  (I'd also not had very much coffee yet.) Sometimes sites like these are blatant come-ons for advertising dollars, just a collection of poorly written posts in between heavy doses of Google Ads.

The email said something about how they'd combed through a gazillion blogs to find the top 25, and so on and so forth, blah, blah, blah.  But I clicked on the link provided.  There were some quality blogs listed–some I'm familiar with, others that are new to me.

And I realized something.

Awards are worth something when they introduce you and me to worthy new blogs, and/or reconnect us with old favorites.  So go check out this site.  You have to weed through some listings that are specific to teaching, but be patient.  There are some good writing blogs to be found there.

I'm in good company, and that makes me happy, no matter what the ulterior motives of the people giving me the award might be.

What about you?  Have you received an award for your blog? How about for your writing?

0 thoughts on “I Won An Award

  1. Mentarch


    Wow – I don’t know what to say except – thank you!



  2. Charlotte

    You are welcome–and you are very deserving, so no blushing is necessary.


  3. Charlotte

    You’re welcome, Suzy Q. I’m a fan of yours, too.


  4. Suzy Q

    Gosh, I am amazed. Thank you. And you’ve introduced me to some cool blogs as well.

    Just keep doing your thing. You’ve got me a a fan!


  5. Suzy Q

    D’Oh! ‘as a fan’…

  6. Thomas Hamburger Jnr

    That’s really kind of you, Charlotte – I think I’ll need to brush up on my schmoozing skills once Harry gets finished!

    Kind regards


  7. Charlotte

    You are a great schmoozer in my book already.

  8. Andrew Odlum


    Thank you so much for the award. I will try to use the award for good, and not evil.

    I still love your site. It speaks directly to my English major soul.

    I just added you to my friends section so my massive traffic of 12 people can slowly trickle to you.

    Thanks again :)

  9. Lisa McGlaun

    I let you know how happy I was about the award with a shout of BC but I want to do it here to. THANK YOU. The award literally made my day.

  10. Charlotte

    Hey Lisa,
    I’m glad I made your day! You are so deserving!

  11. J.D.

    Top reading and writing resource? They got it right. I know writing here everyday is hard work. The result is very helpful. You do a great job. That award is well deserved. Congratulations.

  12. Zan Marie

    Congratulations, Charlotte. You’re right, most of the blog awards are for spreading readership through small gifts of links. You newest award is an entirely different level all together. You deserve it. ; )

  13. Genevieve Graham

    I got an email from them, and that’s how I found you, so I think it’s a worthwhile site! Congrats. I’m looking forward to getting to know your site better.

  14. Charlotte Dixon

    Oh, that makes me happy!  Thank you–and now I've discovered you as well!

  15. Charlotte Dixon

    Thanks so much, J.D.!  I so appreciate your loyal readership–it's my readers that keep me going.

  16. Charlotte Dixon

    Thank you Zan Marie! And thank you for continuing to come back to this blog!

  17. Heather Jenkins

    Couldn’t have happened to a better blog and person! You totally deserve this. :)

  18. Charlotte Dixon

    Thank you so much, Heather!

  19. Don

    If any blog deserves to get an award for its contribution to writing it is yours Charlotte. It has been a great resource and inspiration to all of us writers and would-be writers, including myself. I have been traveling for almost three months straight so unfortunately I’ve been unable to read or write much about anything, but luckily I’m taking a week off to catch up on all that I’ve been missing while on the road, including Wordstrumpet.

  20. Charlotte Dixon

    Oh Don thank you so much! I so appreciate your loyal readership. I've missed you 

  21. Roy

    Congrats! I know you’ve worked very hard for many years on your blog!

  22. Charlotte Dixon

    Thanks, Roy, I appreciate it!

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