Emma Jean
Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Emma Jean Cover Image is Here!

EmmaJeanCoverFinalHere it is!  The cover image for the novel, due out on February 12th.  I'm really happy with this cover because I think the woman in the image has the verve and energy of Emma Jean herself.

A bit of background on the process of selecting the cover.  My wonderful editor sent me three trial versions and asked me what I thought.  One of them looked like a car ad to me, with the model featuring a come-hither expression that looked to me like she was trying to be sexy.  She was draped over a bed with a laptop in front of her.  Good effort, but no.

The second one showed a close-up of a blonde woman with glasses reading a book.  I was tempted by this version, mostly because of the fact she was reading, but I didn't think the model looked much like Emma Jean.  She seemed a bit dowdy to me.  As my editor said, "I think Emma Jean is more put together than that."

The third version was similar to what you see on the right, but it showed only the model with slightly different typestyle.  I asked if we could add something literary-esque and my editor suggested the books.  The first version had the stack of books a bit taller and looked like they were about ready to topple over on top of her.  But then this version was presented to me–and I loved it.  They even used my favorite color, purple!  (In the novel, Emma Jean has a thing for purple pens.)

I feel blessed to have been so involved in the cover image.  I have no idea if this is normal or not but it's great!

So I'm counting down the days until release date, mastering Facebook, lining up guest posts and reviews and feeling a bit nervous about it all to be honest.  (By the way, if you're interested in a guest post or review or know anybody who might be, drop me a line.)

Any thoughts on the process?  Any questions?  Leave me a comment.

25 thoughts on “Emma Jean Cover Image is Here!

  1. Charlotte Dixon

    Oh thank you so much, Don!  I'm so glad you like the cover.

  2. J.D.

    Charlotte, that is a fabulous cover! The model is very attractive without being gorgeous. I also like the coloring on the title. Of course, we’ve known the title for a long time, but it’s a great title.

  3. Zan Marie

    Great cover! I’m thrilled you had a chance for so much input. I’m glad you took advantage of it, too. Good for you!

  4. Charlotte Dixon

    Thank you, Zan Marie!  I really wanted to have a cover I liked, not one that made me cringe every time I saw it.

  5. Charlotte Dixon

    Thanks, J.D.  And that's exactly what my daughter said–that the model is pretty without being over the top, which is exactly perfect.  You'll be sharing your cover soon!

  6. Carole Jane Treggett

    Ooh, I love the cover! Hmm, I pictured her with shorter, darker hair for some reason. I have no idea how that works lol.

    I love how you got your signature branding color purple in the title. How cool that Emma Jean has a thing for purple pens; so do I! :)

    So very, very happy for you, Charlotte (and US having the opportunity to really get to know Emma Jean and all the other characters in the novel so very soon).

  7. Charlotte Dixon

    Isn't it interesting how we develop ideas about fictional characters? What a funny process! Thanks for your excitement! 

  8. Barbara

    Congratulations, and I think you picked the right cover! Thanks for sharing your process with us.

  9. Charlotte Dixon

    Thanks for reading and commenting, Barbara!

  10. Sandy

    Fantastic cover, Charlotte. Congratulations on your success. Here’s to more to come!

  11. Charlotte Dixon

    Ahh, thank you, Sandy!  And I'm so glad you like the cover!

  12. Melissa Marsh

    Looks terrific! Congratulations!

  13. Charlotte Dixon

    Thank you, Melissa!

  14. Patty/Living Deep Studio

    This is so exciting, Charlotte! I’ve got goosebumps.

  15. Charlotte Dixon

    I do, too, Patty, nearly all day every day.  Thanks for sharing in my excitement!

  16. Sandra Pawula

    How exciting and real!

  17. 2nd & Church

    I Love It! Congrats. Roy

  18. Derek

    Great cover Charlotte. To me it’s very Emma Jean. Can’t explain what makes it fit, but in my Zen way that makes it even more fitting. :-)

  19. Charlotte Dixon

    I know, "real" being the operative word.  That's the crazy part after all this time!

  20. Charlotte Dixon

    Thanks, Roy, you have my eternal gratitude for so much in my life!

  21. Charlotte Dixon

    I love your Zen way, Derek! And I'm glad you like the cover as well.

  22. Beverly

    Love the cover! I can’t wait to read it!

  23. Charlotte Dixon

    Thanks, Beverly!

  24. Brian Oppenheimer

    Hot cover, Charlotte. I’m sooo happy for you. I want to be first in line to buy this book, having read your first stab at initial chapters. You go, girl!
    Hope to see you this spring.

  25. Charlotte Dixon

    Thanks Brian! I'm so excited for you to read it! Thanks for dropping by.

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