Emma Jean
Charlotte Rains Dixon  

It’s Emma Jean’s Release Day!

Watch out, world, Emma Jean is here!

Today is the official release day of my debut novel, Emma Jean's Bad Behavior.  I promise we'll get back to regular programming (i.e., posts on writing and creativity and the writer's life) but for now indulge me while I celebrate.

In truth, the novel has been available at AmazonPowell's and Barnes and Noble for awhile now and I know some people have already ordered it and received it (thank you!).  But February 12th has been the official pub date for quite some time now, so it seems appropriate to mark it.

In case you haven't heard, I'm hosting a Virtual Release party later on today, with three signed copies of the novel and one admittance to my Get Your Novel Written Now class as prizes. Join me!

So far I've had an interview (it ended up actually being with Emma Jean) at Square-Peg People and a guest post at Always Well Within. I've got another guest post and two more interviews lined up for next week and I'll share the links on the appropriate days. 

I'll tell you the one thing I've learned through this release and that is how wonderful, gracious, and supportive people are–especially the people I've met through this blog.  You guys are wonderful!  This novel release is the fruition of a life-long dream and while it's been a bit nerve-wracking along the way, I remind myself how lucky I am every day.

So thank you to everyone for your support and if you do read the book and like it, please tell your friends.  Also, feel free to write review on any of the bookseller's sites!

0 thoughts on “It’s Emma Jean’s Release Day!

  1. Patrick Ross

    Woo! I just downloaded it to my Kindle. I’d love to have you take your virtual book tour to The Artist’s Road. Drop me a line and we’ll figure out how to make that happen.

  2. J.D.

    Ouch! I can’t make the party tonight. Another obligation. I ordered my hard copy last Thursday. Amazon told me it shipped yesterday–their free shipping is painfully slow. Have fun tonight. Congratulations!

  3. Charlotte Dixon

    Thanks, Patrick, I'm emailing you now!

  4. Charlotte Dixon

    Thanks so much, J.D., I know you'll be there in spirit.  You're up next!  I can't wait to read your book and thank you so much for ordering mine.

  5. Zan Marie

    I can’t make the party, but know I’m cheering for you! Go, Charlotte, Go!

  6. Zan Marie

    My last comment seems to have been eaten…So, I’ll say again, I can’t make the party, but I’ll be cheering from here–Go, Charlotte, Go!

    I’m looking forward to your interview on my blog next week. ; )

  7. Melissa Marsh


  8. Connie B. Dowell

    How exciting!! Congrats on your official release day! I don’t know if I can make the virtual party tonight, but I bet it will be a blast.

  9. Roy Burkhead

    Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m off to amazon.com to get my copy now. And who knows…perhaps a review will appear in a journal that you and I both work for… :-)

  10. Zan Marie

    Charlotte, This is my third try to post a comment…somethings up. I just wanted to say, Go, Charlotte, Go!

  11. Millivers Travels

    Bravo for Emma Jean! And especially her creator for giving her life. What an exciting event! I want to own the real book (I’m not a Kindle kinda gal) but will wait to order it till I have my new mailing address in New Mexico. Emma Jean can be part of my new life. :~)

    So very pleased for you, Charlotte!

    ~ Milli

  12. Millivers Travels

    Bravo for Emma Jean! And especially for her creator for giving her life. Such an exciting event; can’t believe it’s finally here. I want to own the “real” book (I’m not a Kindle kinda gal) but I will wait to order it till I’ve got my new mailing address in New Mexico. Emma Jean can be part of starting my new life. :~)

    So very pleased for you, Charlotte!

    ~ Milli

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