Switch Hitting Your Writing
Does that headline sound vaguely sexual or is it just me? If so, sorry for misleading you because this post is about switching up your writing projects. (Though a client for whom I am doing some writing just emailed and said we need to get some sex in our title, so maybe its a good thing.)
I recently read Jess Walter's Beautiful Ruins, and as is so often the case when I read something I like, I went in search of more information about him. Here it is: he lives in the unlikely city of Spokane, Washington (if you've been there, you know why its unlikely a major writer would live there), he had a daughter when he was 19 and subsequently went to work at a newspaper to support her, his first book was a non-fiction title on the incident at Ruby Ridge, and he's written a ton of novels and short stories since.
Beyond all that, what interested me was the tidbit I found in this interview, in which Walter says, "My only trick is to switch to some other project when one gets stuck.
And they always get stuck."
Truer words about writing have never been spoken: you're going to get stuck at some point. It may not be big stuck, and most likely it won't be writer's block, you'll just get stuck. Like, unsure what you want to write next, uncertain what comes next in the novel, unsure what your secondary character's name is. Something. And I love the idea that when this happens, you can switch off to a different project. Because, better to be writing on something, then nothing at all.
I've been working on short stories recently, as well as a novel, and I see this happening somewhat naturally. I reach a point in a story where I'm sort of mentally done with it for the moment, and without really thinking about it, I find myself opening the file for that other story I've been thinking of. I get stuck on the novel, and I'm inevitably drawn to one of the stories. It feels natural and right, and like I said–as long as I'm working on something, I'm happy.
Honestly, I'm not sure how easy this would be if I was working on all bigger projects. But for me it works great one big project at a time and several shorter pieces. I'm not sure I could handle the mental space it takes to keep more than one big project going at a time.
Along these same lines I was working on what I call prep work (thus called because hopefully you do it before you start writing it, though in truth it happens at every point of the writing) for the novel–character development, lining out the plot, imagining settings–and I found myself switch hitting. When I got stuck on the outlining, I switched over to writing about the characters, and that in turn led me to ideas about the story. So I was working back and forth.
And that, I think, is the beauty of this approach–it is like cross fertilization of the mind. The idea you have for the character of your story suddenly reminds you of the plot of your novel. And so on and so forth. At least that's how it works for me.
Do you work on multiple projects at a time or stick to just one?
*Oh, and by the way–if you read this blog on Google Reader (and God love ya for reading it however you do), be aware that it is going away as of July 1st. You can still subscribe via RSS feed and read it on Yahoo or other readers, or you can subscribe via email. All the buttons to do so are to the left.
**Photo from the Library of Congress, in the public domain. (I kinda like her outfit.)
Zan Marie
That’s why I have five different Cherry Hill stories in various stages of completion. (If you can call two scenes and a main character description any where near completion. LOL) I write down anything that comes to mind and file it away in the Scrivener file it goes in.
BTW, this is how Diana Gabaldon keeps writer’s block away, too. And we all know how many different projects she completes. ; )
Charlotte Dixon
I love that you have so many projects going, Zan Marie. It is funny, because it seems like so many people hesitate to work on more than one thing at a time, and yet it does seem to help. As I type this, I realize that I might naturally be used to it, because of working on multiple client projects at once. Good training for the brain!
I agree, and not only is switching to another writing project the best option, it’s really the only option most of the time! I’ve noticed the same thing when trying to remember somebody, or something, the best thing that I can do to remember is to simply forgot about it! Somehow, almost as magic….. what I’m trying to remember will simply pop into my mind without any effort or fuss. Same thing about writing, when your in a rut, take a break and work on something else.
Charlotte Dixon
It's so true, Don, when someone is trying to remember something, I always tell them to quit thinking about it so hard and it will come–and it always does. So I imagine the same thing is at work with writing. Thanks for chiming in.