Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Christmas 2013 Giveaway

Christmas_ornament_green_268996_lI haven't done this for a long time.  

So, because of that….and because it's Christmas….and because I truly love and adore every single one of my readers….

Let's celebrate with a giveaway!

Yay, rah rah as my sister and I used to say.  (Don't ask.  There's no reason for it.)

First, the good part–the gifts.  I'm giving away three total, one per winner:

1.  A critique of 25 pages of your manuscript.

2. A moleskine journal.  These are my favorite, though I use all kinds of other notebooks for journals as well.  If I were you and I won, I would choose the violet cover shown in this link, but you can go for basic black as well.

3.  A copy of my novel, Emma Jean's Bad Behavior, personally signed to the lucky winner!  (Or, if you prefer, you can get it in Ebook format.)

Second, what you gotta do to win:

Promise you'll write at least 1000 words a day every day in the new year.  Kidding! (Though its not a bad idea.) 

What you have to do is leave a comment completing this sentence:  All I want for Christmas is…..

That's it!  How much easier can you get?

I will choose the winner via a random name selector on December 27th.   Because I can't guarantee how things will shake out, I'm also going to disperse the gifts randomly as well (though if you've really got a hankering for one, tell me that, too and I'll see what I can do).   

So please, comment away!

Photo by mammuth.

24 thoughts on “Christmas 2013 Giveaway

  1. Ledger D' Main

    All I want for Christmas is……uhmm…all I want for Christmas is…ahhh…ahhh…sorry, I got nothing…no wait…ahhh…nope lost it…

  2. Alix

    All I want for Christmas is…..bravery, discipline and inspiration. Maybe one of those tablets (pills) featured in the movie Limitless.

  3. Dani H

    All I want for Christmas is time with my daughter, son-in-law and two grandchildren (and some photographs of them from the past year.) Family time is truly the best gift I could receive.

    Thanks for a chance at the giveaway. I hope all is well with you, Charlotte. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

  4. J.D.

    All I want for Christmas is peace, love, a blessed and happy 2014 for everyone.

  5. Genia

    All I want for Christmas is… time enough at last, to borrow a TWILIGHT ZONE title, for writing. I’ve put my writing so far down on my list of priorities that it’s nearly fallen off a few times. :-(

    And if I win, Charlotte, as much as I’d love a critique from you, I don’t have nearly enough pages for that yet. So the journal or your book would be wonderful!

  6. Mandy

    All I want for Christmas is a multi-million dollar book deal. And someone else to revise my first drafts for me. :P

  7. Charlotte Dixon

    I'm sure there's something you desire in that creative brain of yours!

  8. Charlotte Dixon

    Haha, good call, I'd like one of those pills, too!  And I love your words.

  9. Charlotte Dixon

    I agree–family time is so precious.  I'm getting a lot of it this season, and I'm so grateful.  Happy holidays to you, too!

  10. Charlotte Dixon

    Nice sentiments, J.D.–and back atcha!

  11. Charlotte Dixon

    Genia, I know that you're a prolific writer, so I truly hope your Christmas wish comes true!  And I'll be happy to send either the book or the journal if you win.

  12. Charlotte Dixon

    Hear, hear on the book deal!  It could happen next year!

  13. Amanda Moon

    All I want for Christmas is time for writing and art–balanced with time with my family.

  14. Mary Rives

    All I want for Christmas is… to know what i want, to know what i want, to know what i want!
    All I want for Christmas is… know what i want,
    to know
    what i want!

  15. Charlotte Dixon

    That's pretty much my wish always.

  16. Charlotte Dixon


  17. leigh

    All I want for Christmas is good health

  18. Zan Marie

    All I want for Christmas is a few nights of good sleep strung together so I can write.

    As for the gifts…I’d really love the critique. Can’t get enough of those. ;-)

  19. Charlotte Dixon

    Very important–without our health, we have nothing.

  20. Charlotte Dixon

    Ah yes, sleep is important, too!  I would love to critique your work, Zan Marie!

  21. Sandra Pawula

    You are so fun! What I really want for Christmas is peace on earth and through the universe, all galaxies, and through space and time!!!!!

  22. Charlotte Dixon

    A wonderful wish, Sandra!

  23. Kristina L. Martin

    All I want for Christmas is: aside from health and happiness for my kids and hubby, I pick a literary agent who loves my voice and who will fight for me and my books.

    I’m guessing that if I asked for new rain boots, the odds would improve. :)

  24. Charlotte Dixon

    I'll second that on the literary agent–and I'll root for you to get your Christmas wish as well (including the rain boots).

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