Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Inventive Writing Prompt Round-up #23

Hey, we made it to 2015! Woot woot!  I know its going to be a great year because New Year's day was the best first day of the year ever around here.  I got some work done on my novel rewrite in the morning, watched the Ducks annihilate the FSU Seminoles in the afternoon, and ended up having an impromptu party to boot.

But the party is over–the New Year's day party and the whole loooooong party of the holiday season. And it's time for prompts.  Oh wait, one more thing.  If you happen to live in Portland, come to my book signing next week.  It's at Rain or Shine coffeehouse on SE 60th and Division, across from Mt. Tabor and I'll be there with Tam Holland, who you might know from this post.  Another woot woot!  

Okay, prompts for real this time.  These are taken from my daily Tumblr blog, which I started on a whim last summer and has kept going all this time quite to my amazement.  Here's this week's selection:

#157 Was it the emotional turmoil of their parting? Or the overindulgence from the holidays?  Or sheer exhaustion?  Didn't matter because the end result was the same.  She took to her bed and could not be convinced to get up.

#158  The one thing she wanted more than anything was the one thing she couldn’t have.  What was it?

#159  And then she discovered the most amazing thing: that most often if she asked for what she wanted, she got it.

#160  Goodbye to all that.  What does your main character want to take with him into the new year?  What does he want to leave behind?

#161  A bright shiny new thing.  A bright shiny new year.  What will you (or your main character) do with it?

#162  And with the new year, came the cold that everyone had.  What does your character do when sick?  Carry on, gut it out, go to work, power through? Or take to her bed for days on end?

#163  Already it was old hat.  And she liked it that way.  The soothing habits of her routine enabled her to….

That's it!  That's all for now! Go write!

Oh–heehee, I forgot, one more thing–Go download my free prompt book here.  I will take you all the way through January in your writing.


0 thoughts on “Inventive Writing Prompt Round-up #23

  1. Zan Marie

    Hi, Charlotte! I just wanted to let you know that your prompt #3 in the new book has sparked new words today. Good stuff! Thanks, lady. Keep ’em coming! :-)

  2. J.D.

    I love 157, like 158 and 159. Glad you got in some work on your rewrite; you know you are a novelist–right? Ohio State vs. Oregon. I don’t have a bull or a matador in that fight, but, given Oregon’s history with Auburn, I will root for your Ducks, Charlotte. Honestly, for me it is a no lose matchup. Ohio State means nothing to me, but one part of me roots for Urban Myer, an obviously tortured soul who is on a mission to do the impossible, resurrect a rust-belt blue-collar team from the Big Ten and beat not only the king of the mighty SEC but the spiffy newcomer from the high tech west. For the sake of your Ducks, I will find some reason to dislike Urban and root for the Webfoots, as if the collective yearning of fans can sway what happens on the field. Otherwise, I’m fine ;-)

  3. Charlotte Dixon

    I'm so glad!  Thanks for letting me know, Zan Marie!!!

  4. Charlotte Dixon

    We'll make you into a bona fide Duck fan yet!  There's a funny video clip my son showed me yesterday.  It's of Urban Meyer at his post-win press conference being informed that the Ducks beat FSU by 40 points.  The look on his face is priceless.  He seems like an okay guy–but I still want my Ducks to win!  And I'm glad you liked the prompts.

  5. Dyoung

    Former Florida coach should be reason enough! GO DUCKS! THEEE Ohio state has nothing on this “newcomer”!

    The prompts– all but #157 have everything to do with my character right now. Love these!

  6. J.D.

    A Florida hater? lol.

  7. Charlotte Dixon

    Glad the prompts are helpful!  And yes, Go Ducks!!!!

  8. Zan Marie

    Charlotte, Day Six is a keeper, too! Fresh words that have homes in the first two of my Cherry Hill WIPs. :-D

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