Charlotte Rains Dixon  

A Brief History of Publishing (And Publishing Workshop Info)

So, I found the cool infographic below in my travels as I searched for information on the history of literary agents. Because, of course that is what one searches for in one’s travels.  No, really, it is because I’m co-leading a workshop on publishing this weekend and since Thanksgiving was so time consuming, I’ve not told you much about it.

If you’re in Portland and you want to learn more about publishing, here are the details:

The Ins and Outs of Publishing

Friday, December 4th, 6:30 to 8:30 PM and Saturday, December 5th, 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM.

Another Read Through, 3932 N. Mississippi, Portland, 97277

Cost is $107, which includes a fabulous boxed lunch from Elephant’s Deli.

If you’re interested, contact me, okay? It’s going to be a lot of fun.

And here’s that infographic.  It’s a little dated, but interesting nonetheless:
A Brief History Of PublishingInfographic by Finvy

0 thoughts on “A Brief History of Publishing (And Publishing Workshop Info)

  1. J.D.

    Elephant’s menu looks good. I understand this is their sack lunch, which looks good. It’s been a looooong time since I visited a true deli. I’m a regular at Subway, but you know . . . . Nashville probably has a first class deli. Nice history of publishing. I hope you have a great turnout.

    1. Charlotte Rains dixon

      Thanks, J.D., wish you could come. If you’re in the mood for a writing weekend, I’ll be in Nashville for Room to Write the first weekend in January. Lots of time to write, and also time to listen to my (and other’s) brilliance. There also may be a glass of wine or two involved. I thought that history was pretty interesting as well.

  2. J.D.

    Would you like to have dinner or lunch with my wife and I? We could drive up. I love Nashville.

    1. Charlotte Rains dixon

      Yes, please. :-)

  3. dyoung

    Love seeing the long time ago history. Cave paintings were a part of my art history education, and it’s so interesting to me how communication, story telling, and legacies were carried thru in this manner. I guess the iPad is the modern day stone cave wall.

    1. Charlotte Rains dixon

      It really is amazing, isn’t it? I would love to go see the cave paintings in person. I’m not even sure it is possible.

  4. Dawn Montgomery

    So fascinating!

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