Five Things on Friday Uncategorized
Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Five on Friday: This Day is Unfortunately Living Up To Its Name

fingerscrossedTook awhile for it to register that it is actually Friday the 13th.  I always choose to think of it as lucky day, but today has been anything but.  The attacks in Paris destroy me and now there’s been an earthquake off the coast of Japan. But I guess the rest of us have to carry on.  And send prayers to those who are suffering.  So, here goes with our usual Friday fare:

Who I’m crushing on: Azar Nafisi, author of Reading Lolita in Tehran.  I heard her speak on Wednesday night here in town and she was awesome.  I’m now reading her book and loving it.  Plus, she wrote my name in Arabic in my book and drew doodles in it, too.

What I’m plugging away on: My next novel.  I was on a pace of 2,000 words a day, but then my 2.5 year-old granddaughter came to stay and I lost my momentum.  Its damn hard to get up in the morning and write when you also have to get a child organized for school.  I now understand my clients who complain about this a lot better.  But I have managed to get 1K a day done.

What I’m loving: The autumn storms and leaves everywhere on the sidewalks and streets.  This has been one of the most beautiful falls I can remember.  And what is better than sitting by a fire, as I am right now, on a rainy day?

What I’m Stressing About: Thanksgiving.  Love the holiday, but I cook for 14 people every year and it never gets easier.  Though I do love making pies.

What I’m Looking Forward To: Christmas.  I love it.  Love, love it.  We’ll go to a tree farm the Saturday after Thanksgiving to cut down a tree.  And hopefully it will not take me two weeks to get all the decorations in, as it did last year.

And yeah, there is and will be writing throughout all of this.  Because that’s what we writers do, carry on and keep writing.  What’s up with you?


0 thoughts on “Five on Friday: This Day is Unfortunately Living Up To Its Name

  1. J.D.

    Azar Nafisi is very brave. Makes my own conflicts about what to put on the page seem so trivial. We do have the autumn colors thing going on–all over our lawn. All the rain has left the leaves soggy and flat. No raking here until we have a week of sunshine. I am also looking forward to Christmas. If Santa doesn’t disappoint me, I’ll be biking in the spring. You do know that Santa’s seat in the sled doesn’t have a nose. Wouldn’t want to mess up the old prostate bouncing across those roof tops.

    1. Charlotte Rains dixon

      She is so brave, I can hardly believe it. I don’t have that kind of courage but I sure admire it. I’m glad you’re enjoying fall, too! How’s your writing?

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