Tag: Paris


Soaking It In

As you may have noticed, things have been a bit quiet around here.  I've been in France, as some readers know.  France, people! Two weeks in the south and several days in Paris.  And I have been soaking it all in. So much so that my brain feels ready to explode and I can't wait […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

10 Takeaways from France

I flew home from Paris last Sunday, and as I write this, I'm still a bit jet lagged.  One of these days I'm sure I'll get back to a normal sleep schedule.  I now seem to rise at 4:30 every morning–at least it gives me time to write. But I'm not complaining.  Because travel–any kind […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Jet Lag

I have returned. France was wonderful.  Paris has only gotten better in the years since I've been there, and Ceret, the small town in the south of France where I spent a week leading a writing retreat, charming.  I had full intentions to blog regularly during my trip.   Obviously, that didn't happen.  To my credit, […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
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