Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Otherwhere: President’s Day Edition

Yes, this will be my lunch today.
Yes, this will be my lunch today.

I had the most glorious Valentine’s Day yesterday because I mostly did nothing except read all day. (I got deeply engrossed in Heft, by Liz Moore, which I HIGHLY recommend. Just finished it this morning.  A beautiful, touching book.) I didn’t worry about work (the rewrite is finished, but I need to read it over and see how it works), or people coming over, or babysitting a grandchild, or anything.  I cannot tell you how rare this is–and how appreciated.

I actually think there are a couple reasons why I don’t do this more often. 1. because its just not possible, and 2. because when I do do it I like it so much I’m afraid I’m going to sink into sloth forever more. Thus, I am back at my computer this morning with a collection of links for you.

Here’s a follow-up to the link I published last week on older writers. I think this one is even better.

Where do you get ideas?

How writing thank you notes is the author’s best friend.

Is the indie gold rush over?

If you click on only one link from this post, choose this one.  It is an hysterical account of one man’s search for a literary agent.

More on theme from Stephen Pressfield.

The latest news from the digital front.

Need some ease in your writing? (Don’t we all?)

That’s it, that’s all I’ve got.  And now, since my hub has a holiday today, we’re off to eat fries at my neighbor’s restaurant and poke around one of Portland’s once-funky, now quickly gentrifying neighborhoods.


0 thoughts on “Otherwhere: President’s Day Edition

  1. Dyoung

    You had me at fries…are those truffles fries?! We have a local watering hole that serves up some great eats and truffles fries is probably the top of the list. I prefer ketchup as my dipping sauce but you can also dip them into a salty vinegar and oil concoction. I mean- it’s just a potato with some mushroom sauce and crumbled feta. Totally healthy right?!!

    1. Charlotte Rains dixon

      Oh God, I love truffle fries. But these are called dirty fries and they also have peppers and, um, scraps of fried pork leftover from their other sandwiches. A small portion goes a long way. Yesterday I smartly got the chickpea sandwich with the fries and only ate half of it. That way I didn’t feel like dying after eating there. Delicious food, but it is VERY filling. And not particularly healthy. Though I do like your theory about truffle fires being only potatoes and mushrooms. Salt of the earth, right?

  2. Dyoung

    Oh my word…..”dirty fries?!” If I ever make it to Portland I’m not missing THAT!

    1. Charlotte Rains dixon

      You’ve got to come out here and try them. To die for. Maybe almost literally. :-)

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