Category: Writing


Nanowrimo Prep

We interrupt our regularly scheduled Ebook presentation to remind you that Nanowrimo starts in four days. What, you ask, is Nanowrimo?  It is National Novel Writing Month and it is a kick ass way to get that novel you’ve always wanted to write jump-started.  The idea is that you complete a whole "novel" in a […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Friday Night Round-up

So, I had hoped to post another in my series on Making Money Online tonight, but that isn’t going to happen.  Why?  Because I am tired.  Lame as that sounds, it is true.  I’m too tired to think tonight. The truth of the matter is that I am currently writing three, count ’em, three books.  […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Self Publishing Redux

I had a brilliant post on the subject of self publishing half finished when my computer burped (its been doing that a lot lately, as it is Mercury Retrograde–back up your computers!) and I lost it.  The two posts I did this week on writing and self publishing garnered lots of comments, and not the […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Should Writers Self Publish?

So, Roy and Cathy and I have been emailing about self-publishing.  Well, really Roy and I have, since we seem to be the most loud-mouthed and vociferous in our opinions.  (Shocking, I know.) The impetus (or inciting incident, if you want to use fiction terminology) for this discussion was Roy and Cathy’s visit to the […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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