
It’s Off to Home I Go….

I’m heading back to Portland this afternoon, and I am, as always, sorry to leave Nashville.   I am not, however, sorry to leave the weather behind.  Yesterday there were tornado warnings which were relayed to me through a sort of old-fashioned round robin system.  Friends of Sue and Walt’s who live up the street called […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Creativity Travel Writing

Loft-y Tennessee

I am in beautiful Springfield, Tennessee, where there are rolling green fields and the air feels totally different than it does in beautiful Portland, Oregon–mostly because it is warm.  I’m staying at the home of Terry Price, and we are theoretically working on the Loft. No, we are really working on it–we have been chatting […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Earth Day

It’s Earth Day and I’m in an airplane winging my way across the country, wasting resources, specifically, very expensive jet fuel.  Guess they haven’t yet figured out how to make airplanes run on bio-diesel.  I’d buy carbon offsets but I just read that they are pretty much b.s. Anyway, having written a long ebook on […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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