Tag: focus


What Do You Focus On?

What you put your attention on grows.  It's that simple. So if you put your attention on how wonderful it is to write every day, that writing habit will grow.  If you focus on how much fun it is to submit to agents (I'm feeling funny today), you'll do more of it. If you think […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Fear Focus

Fear and Focus

We don't always think of fear and focus at the same time, but there's very good reason to pair them. Focus.  It's what we all desire, what gets the writing done.  Because the words don't go on the page without it. Fear.  It's often what keeps us from focusing. The kinds of fears we writers […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Conjuring Clarity

 I work with writers and other creative types in a variety of ways, including one-hour sessions that help them to gain clarity about their work.  I do this through this very website and at events like Room to Write in Nashville, where I am the resident "book doctor" on call to guide writers. What I […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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