Tag: prompts


Inventive Writing Prompt Round-up #36

Here's the latest collection of posts from my Tumblr blog, where I post a prompt daily. #246 As a child did you (or your main character) go to church? Sunday school or sitting in the service with the adults?  What was your experience—love or hate? Character building or destroying? #247 And then she had to start over […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Inventive Writing Prompt Round-up #35

Here's the latest collection of prompts from my Tumblr blog (minus one, because I forgot to do one on Sunday). #240 She sat up quickly.  She forgot!  She had totally forgotten about it!   #241  What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?  Write about it.  Work details can enliven fiction. #242  Your character’s eating habits tell […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Inventive Writing Prompt Round-up #33

#226  Write about the worst weather you (or your main character) have ever experienced. #227  After the best weekend ever, your main character now faces Monday morning.  Does she drag her feet and stay suck in memories of the weekend, or does she let the momentum of her wonderful time carry her forward? #228  When […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Inventive Writing Prompt Round-up #31

Here's the latest round-up of posts from my Tumblr blog, where you can find a new post every morning (well, sometimes it's the afternoon).  Happy writing! #212 Two women have been friends for years.  One afternoon, one of them says to the other, “I have something to tell you about myself that you may not believe.” […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Inventive Writing Prompt Round-up #30

Here's my weekly round-up of writing prompts from my Tumblr blog: #205 The fog wafted and drifted around buildings and through streets, masking and silencing everything in its path.  So it was a shock when it lifted and….. #206 Today is President’s Day in the United States, and lot of people (but not all) have the day […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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