Tag: writing coaching


Black Friday Sale Extended!

I realized that, if you’re like me (and since you are a writer, you probably are, in some small way at least), it takes you forever awhile to make up your mind about things.  Because, as writers, we must ponder the overall story of every thing that crosses our paths. Am I right?  Also, there […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Coaching Package Sale

Quick heads up–I'm having a two-day sale on my three-month, paid-in-advance coaching package.  If ever you're considered hiring a writing coach, this is the time to do it, because I'm offering the packages for half off. You can visit the sale page to learn more about it. Just think, in three months, you could have […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Coaching Packages

You have a passionate idea. And a plan to turn that passionate idea into a published piece.  Maybe a book?  An article?  How about a blog? Your passionate idea burns like an unquenchable fire within. You want to write so badly you can taste it.  You want to share your thoughts with the world.  Except, […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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