Five Things on Friday
Charlotte Rains Dixon  

Five on Friday: July 8, 2016

RocksWell, howdy. It’s been awhile since I’ve done a Five on Friday, mainly because I’ve been busy doing stuff but no particular things stand out, if you know what I mean.  But since I know you’re just dying for an update (ha, like you don’t have five million things going on yourself), here goes:

What I’m pondering: Podcasting. As in, good ones to listen to. Podcasts for writers and creatives. Got any recommendations? Also, as in, maybe I’d like to start one. Do you listen to podcasts? Would you be interested in one on motivation, inspiration, productivity, etc., for writers and creatives? It is somewhat of a big production so I’m pondering this even longer than usual.  I get these big ideas and then realize how much work they are going to be and forget about them.

What I’m watching: Le Tour de France. I’m so excited to be returning to that beloved country in two short months (I just booked my Paris hotel today) and I adore the shots of the glorious countryside. There’s only one problem–all those bicycles zooming along are like the best soporific ever. Hub and I both fall fast asleep.

What I’m reading: Nobody’s Fool by Richard Russo, so that I can read his newly released sequel, Everybody’s Fool. And because we might use it for the France workshop.  And books on organic gardening, weaving, and food.  Oh, and Anderson Cooper and Gloria Vanderbilt’s book, The Rainbow Comes and Goes. 

What I’m looking forward to: A writing retreat on the Oregon coast with my friend and biz partner Debbie. Two full days to write! I’ll be working on the most recent rewrite of The Bonne Chance Bakery.  And a few other bits and pieces here and there.

What I’m excited about: Rocks! Some time tomorrow, God and the delivery truck willing, we will have gotten a yard of small river rock dumped on our driveway apron. We have an awkward spot in the backyard by the fence to our neighbor’s backyard. We love our neighbors. Our visiting dogs love their dogs.  So much running about and barking in this area ensues, leaving it unsuitable for gardening.  So it is going to become a sculpture garden.  It is likely that I am more excited about this project than hub, because my job is to rake rock as he loads wheelbarrow load after wheelbarrow load and transports it to the backyard. Fun times!

What are you working on? What has your attention?  Please leave a comment and let me know. Also–there’s one spot left in the France workshop. It’s going to be awesome!  Let me know if you’re interested.

0 thoughts on “Five on Friday: July 8, 2016

  1. jamie from Nashville

    Charlotte, I don’t see information about your upcoming France retreat when clicking the link on your post (it only has events up to 2/29). ;-) Thanks!


      If you click on the “2016 Writing Workshop” tab, you’ll find it. I’m afraid its a gimpy website–we’re in the process of redesigning it!

  2. J.D.

    I am also considering posting audio/video. Like I discussed with you, I plan to begin a blog. I am considering an interview or something of that nature one time per week. That may be a bit ambitious lol. I plan to post it on the blog just as I would post a written installment. Is that possible? Putting a link up would work as well, I suppose. Good luck with it. I know yours will be an instant hit.

    I read a Russo book a couple of years ago. He’s very good.

    1. Charlotte Rains dixon

      A lot of people handle written installments in a couple of ways: they provide “show notes” which offer links, etc. Or they provide transcripts. I haven’t gotten that far along yet, but thanks for your vote of confidence. How about you become my first guest? I’m serious.

      And I sure wish you were reading the Russo book in advance of coming to France with us!

  3. Don Williams

    I used to listen to many podcasts, via iTunes, but lately I haven’t been too much of anything, but I like the idea of you doing one. A ‘Writing Talk’ type of audio blog all about writing sounds interesting. The CBC, here in Canada, used to do a video blog on writers and their authors was simply fantastic to listen and watch, but alas it’s no longer available. Listening to excerpts of various writer’s writing style and the different technics that they used in their work was a real treasure.

    Hope your rock garden turns out nice. As a person with a ‘head full of rocks’, I’ve always loved rock gardens surrounded by greenery.

    1. Charlotte Rains dixon

      Ha, you are so funny, Don! No rocks in your brain for sure!

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