Category: Uncategorized

Rewriting Uncategorized

Cutting the Fat

So, my novel manuscript, the one I’m almost done rewriting, originally came in at over 107,000 words. I know.       Waaaaaay too long. “But part of it is recipes,” I told myself. Right. Like maybe 500 words. Under orders from my agent, I’m in the process of cutting it to under 100K. (I’m […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Uncategorized Writing

Rain and Writing

We woke to rain in Portland this morning and I cheered. I know, I know, but as a native Oregonian, I love the rain. Plus it had been humid (by our standards) for awhile and it felt like we needed a good storm to clear it out.  And that meant I didn’t have to water […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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