Category: Uncategorized

Otherwhere Uncategorized

Otherwhere: Almost Summer

It has come to my attention that next weekend is Memorial Day. Could somebody please tell me how that happened? And, though summer doesn’t officially start until after the solstice, we all know that Memorial Day is the unofficial beginning of long, lazy days, right? Well, if someone could show me a universe in which […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Otherwhere Uncategorized

Otherwhere: May 9th

I have a veritable cornucopia of links for you today, so let’s dive right in. Here goes: Writing Finish that novel already! (I know, it’s not that easy.) Writing historical fiction For the love of it Write great YA fiction How to become a ghostwriter Writing setting (a topic dear to my heart since I […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Otherwhere: May 2nd

Can you believe it is May already? I can’t.  But, to celebrate, here are some links for your reading pleasure. What does high concept mean? How to write suspenseful fiction. (Hint: reveal answers slowly.) Identifying genre. Is there such a thing as too much conflict? Negotiating your book contract. (You might also turn to my […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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