
Merry Christmas

Or greetings of the season and whatever holiday tradition you celebrate.  I'm told that, astrologically, this moment in time is about letting go of the old and outdated, whatever no longer suits us.  Since none of my Christmas presents have been delivered, I'm letting go of my old expectations of the holidays and celebrating the […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Lessons From The Snow

Its been snowing in Portland since Saturday and now we have about a foot on the ground.  I know that most of you consider Oregon a northern state and you thus assume that we always get a lot of snow, but such is not the case.  Its been five years since we've gotten an appreciable […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

When Should a Writer Write For Free?

We interrupt regular programming to bring you this guest post by Roy Burkhead, as Charlotte is beating her head against the wall at the snowstorm blanketing the city, repeating over and over, "Why, oh why, did I wait until the last minute to shop?" Enjoy! And cheer her up by commenting. Do you agree with […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

I’m baaaaack

Please forgive the long absence (well, its only been a week and a half or so.  But that's an eon in blog years.) I have not been blogging for two good reasons:      1.  I was out of town. 2.  I have been having Thoughts, of a deep nature. Thoughts about what, you might ask?  Well, […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Feel the Fear and Write it Anyway

We interrupt the current series on scene to bring you this post on writing, fear, and creativity.  I was having breakfast with my wonderful Nashville friend Sue (wait, should I say she's from Nashville if she is originally from Portland?) this morning and we started talking about feeling skittish and being nervous and anxious.  (Did […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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