
Happy Halloween

I'm in the process of cleaning and cooking for a Halloween party we're having tonight.  Somehow, my annual chili dinner for one or two friends has turned into a last-minute shindig.  Alas, this means not a lot of time to write today.  However, I did rise early to work on Emma Jean,inspired by comments from […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

When One is Born a Writer….

…one is simply different.  That's all there is to it.  We writers are unique (some might say odd), and often misunderstood, because we have a passion for words. Queen Victoria, ever mindful of propriety and history, once told her granddaughter, Princess Victoria Eugenie, the future queen of Spain, "Young woman, when one is born a […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 


As in yoo-di-mo-nee-uh. I was ostensibly cleaning up my office just now when I came across my word book, (pictured, left), and decided that pondering words is infinitely more important than a clean office.  After all, what is the use of a word book if one isn't constantly leafing through it to see what one […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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Emma Jean's Bad Behavior

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