Tag: creativity


My Tabs

I'm not really sure what this has to do with writing, probably nothing, though perhaps we could say it has a lot to do with creativity.  Yes, that's the ticket.  It's all about the creativity. For some reason today, I got an idea to write about my tabs.  You know, the ones that you keep […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Revisiting Prompts

I've been writing a lot recently.  (On my own projects, I mean.  It's one of the ironies of my life that I'm always able to write for clients, no matter what.) And, as always, the more I write, the more I'm able to write.  Pour it all out on the page and more keeps coming. […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Writing Habits

How to Procrastinate

1.  Keep all your email inboxes and social media sites open all the time. 2.  Check your email often.  Like, every five minutes.  You might just have a Very Important Email to which you need to respond.  Or, equally urgent, you might have notification of a Very Important Blog Post that you must read immediately. […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
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