Category: Writing Habits

Writing Habits

Writing Rituals That Work

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post about how, really, the only writing ritual that works is opening the file and starting to write. There’s no magic mug to drink from, or a systematic routine that will all of a sudden have you flinging words at the page. You just have to do […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Procrastination Writing Habits

Out of Sync

I’ve been out of sync with my writing lately.  (And my blog posts, too, as you may have noticed.) Off my feed, unchained from my computer, thinking about things other than my writing. I’m best when I write every day, or close to it. I get into a rhythm and it becomes just something I […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Writing Habits

What’s On Your Desk

(My inspiration for this post comes from a list penned by Anne Wayman.) What’s on your desk?         My computer, a small Dell laptop A cat (just about always) A yellow legal pad with notes on it Two books about writing The little journal in which I keep my to-do lists and make […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
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