Tag: creativity


Inventive Writing Prompt Round-up #40

Hello from Nashville, y'all!  Here's my latest collection of writing prompts from my Tumblr blog. #274  Use the words cat, rain jacket and orchid in a sentence.  Now use that sentence as a prompt. #275  Write about what your main character did yesterday, from the time he woke up until the time he went to […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Inventive Writing Prompt Round-up #38

Here's this week's corral of my daily prompts: #259 If only….she thought.  We all have a lot of “if onlies” in our life.  What is your character’s biggest if only? #260  The wind blew and blew.  It blew so hard and so long she thought she’d go crazy from it.  And then, all of a sudden, it […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Cats The Writing Life

Why a Writer Needs a Cat

Cats are good at crossword puzzles, too! I have decided that there's one VERY IMPORTANT piece of writing advice that often goes unmentioned.  It is sort of a secret writer thing, but I am dedicated to bringing such things out in the open, because I'm dedicated to helping you find success as a writer.  (You […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Inventive Writing Prompt Round-up #36

Here's the latest collection of posts from my Tumblr blog, where I post a prompt daily. #246 As a child did you (or your main character) go to church? Sunday school or sitting in the service with the adults?  What was your experience—love or hate? Character building or destroying? #247 And then she had to start over […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Inventive Writing Prompt Round-up #35

Here's the latest collection of prompts from my Tumblr blog (minus one, because I forgot to do one on Sunday). #240 She sat up quickly.  She forgot!  She had totally forgotten about it!   #241  What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?  Write about it.  Work details can enliven fiction. #242  Your character’s eating habits tell […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Inventive Writing Prompt Round-up #34

Here's the latest collection of prompts from my Tumblr blog, all in one place for your convenience. #233 Use the words cried, red, burp and van in a sentence.  Now use that sentence as a prompt. #234 It happens.  You look up, and there s/he is.  The phone rings, with good or bad news.  The accident occurs. […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Inventive Writing Prompt Round-up #32

Here's the latest collection of writing prompts, taken from my daily Tumblr blog.  Happy writing! #219  She hated it when she watched a movie or read a book that she didn’t understand. And yet, those were the stories that stuck with her…. #220  "Do one thing that scares you every day."  Eleanor Roosevelt.  What would […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

You’re a Creative Person, Right?

Creative vs. Non-Creative People In which I attempt to answer the question, is there such a thing as a non-creative person? Years ago, when I was a fledgling writer still getting used to becoming enraptured in the throes of the creative process, I developed a theory: The world was divided into creative and non-creative people. […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
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