Category: Writing

Motivation Writing

Imperfect Action

A friend writes from flood-weary Nashville that she is sometimes writing only one word a day as clean up progresses.  Imperfect action. I set writing one paragraph a day on the next novel as my goal.  Imperfect action. You sit down to work on your memoir and the words tumble out onto the page in […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Good is Good Enough

I spent yesterday afternoon writing copy for my website. Seeing as how this is a chore that's been hanging over my head for a year, it felt good to finish it.  And the way I finished it was to tell myself that good was good enough. It didn't have to be perfect, I told myself.  […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

The Party’s Over

The last few weeks, I've been running a feature called Festive Fridays on, well, Fridays. But, I have to say, the party has been a bit of a dud.  Or at least it seems so to me.  The posts don't get any comments and I'm certainly not receiving breathless emails urging me to keep them […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Creativity Writing


Monday night I arrived home from Nashville.  Tuesday morning I awoke with a to-do list a mile long.  Lots of it consisted of emails (sometimes I think my entire work life besides writing consists of emails) because honestly, one day away from the computer to fly home and the emails multiply like rabbits.  But there […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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