Category: Writing


Friday Question

Friday is often a busy day for me.  For whatever reason, lately my entire afternoon has been taken up with appointments.  And I just about always go out to dinner with family and friends on Friday night, because, I'll be honest, by Friday I really want a glass of wine. And, for whatever reason again, […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

On American Soil

As of yesterday, my son-in-law, he who has been deployed in Kuwait and Iraq all year, is back in America.  Home.  Not home home yet, as the army has all kinds of things they do to returning soldiers at Fort Hood.  But back in the United States.  Everyone is breathing easier and sleeping better. No […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Turning Your Head Around

No, I'm not going to talk about the Linda Blair move from The Exorcist. This post is about changing your mindset.  (I wrote a post earlier this week about the success mindset, and this is yet different from that, too.)  Specifically, changing your mindset when you are working on something that is hard. Yesterday, I […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Coaching Writing

Make Work

"Make work" is my all-purpose notation to myself that I use for both notes and on manuscripts.   It is shorthand for "Make it work," and a very handy two words. If I'm writing notes, and they are a bit sketchy, I add, "make work," because I know in my brain what I mean, I just […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

The Writer’s Paradox

  Scenario #One:  Life is going well.  Really well.  Your relationships are all in great shape, you're healthy, you eat right and exercise regularly.  Your like your job, you have a great place to live, you love your pets, the sun is shining.  However, your writing sucks.  Nothing that you write works.  You can't get […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
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