
When Art Gives Up its Secrets

Yesterday, I wrote about the fabulous workshop that Darnell Arnoult gave for the Loft and talked about how she presented an exercise called "Finding Fiction in a Photo," wherein we looked at pictures (amazingly enough) for a full five minutes and then wrote about them. I can't express how important this kind of deep connection […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

The Writing Loft Recap

I promised a run-down of the recent orientation weekend my partner Terry Price and I put together for the Writer's Loft, at MTSU in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.  Terry and I took over the program last March, (geez, it seems much longer ago than that) and so this was the first orientation on our watch.  We were […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Travel Writing

I Confess

I cannot tell a lie, because you have no doubt noticed, but I am a blogging slacker. Two weeks ago I headed to Nashville for the Writer's Loft fall orientation.   This was a big to-do because it was the first actual orientation that my partner Terry and I planned since we took over the program.  […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Link Round-Up

By the time you read this, I'll be in Nashville. And even though I have learned how to send a post to this site from my Centro, just in case the giant Centro God in the sky deems that feature unavailable this week, I've collected a few of my favorite Wordstrumpet links for your reading […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 


What's the difference between a novel and a story? A story is shorter. Funny joke.  I know, I know, don't quit my day job as a writer to to become a comedian, right?  The truth of the matter is, a short story is a lot shorter than a novel, and that makes all the difference.  […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 


This is a test. No, not of the emergency broadcast system, but my phone, to see if I can post directly from it. Since I’m hitting the road on Tuesday, I thought it would be cool to figure out. The last test failed, here goes this one. Update: It worked! I sent the previous paragraph […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Blogger in Need

You may have noticed the appearance of the above button on my sidebar.  In case you are wondering what it is, I will tell you.  A beautiful young woman and her husband were in a terrible plane crash earlier this month.  The crash left a third passenger on the plane dead, and Stephanie Nielson and […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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