Tag: #amwriting

Otherwhere Uncategorized

Otherwhere: Almost Summer

It has come to my attention that next weekend is Memorial Day. Could somebody please tell me how that happened? And, though summer doesn’t officially start until after the solstice, we all know that Memorial Day is the unofficial beginning of long, lazy days, right? Well, if someone could show me a universe in which […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Otherwhere: It’s Leap Day!

Happy leap day! Are you leaping about, as I’ve seen so many people doing on Instagram? (We humans are nothing if not predictable.) Or perhaps you are still recovering from the looooong Academy Awards show last night? I’m actually doing neither.  Instead I’m sitting by the TV set, which is tuned to Doc McStuffins, with […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Inventive Writing Prompt Round-up #42

Like clockwork, like magic, like butter on bread, here it is, my weekly round-up of writing prompts from my Tumblr blog.  I'm in Seattle this weekend, but you should be writing. Kidding! Or not. Anyway, Enjoy!  Or don't enjoy, but use them to write like crazy. #288 What was your main character’s relationship with her mother […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
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