Tag: writing abundance


Embracing Spring

My apologies to those of you currently buried under snow, or digging out from your latest blizzard, but here in Portland, we've had one of the warmest winters on record. The rhodies, daffodils and crocus have been blooming for a couple weeks now and the temps are regularly reaching 60 degrees.  We've even had us […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Books Intution

Book Review: Second Sight

Second Sight                        by Judith Orloff  Three Rivers Press, 1996, 2010 I was offered the chance to review Second Sight and leapt at the chance because of the subject matter- intuition.  I'm always curious about intuition and looking for new ways to access it.  Reading this book got me jazzed about working with dreams and re-charged […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
Creativity Writing

Stepping Up

Stop the presses for this news flash. I've been watching TV. Specifically, the Olympics.  I often write about what a time waster watching TV is and I truly don't watch much of it myself, except, for reasons inexplicable to me, American Idol.  But one thing I love is the Olympics, specifically, the winter Olympics.  So […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 

Talking Your Story To Death

Have you ever talked about a story so much that you then could never write it? I have.  When I was a newer writer, this happened to me several times.  Sometimes it was in one-on-one conversation, but mostly it happened in a critique group I attended.  I loved that critique group, adored the people in […]

Charlotte Rains Dixon 
book cover mockup for Charlotte Rains Dixon

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